In case you missed, this announcement did go out some days go. Cryptopolis News Update. Cryptopians. We see and hear you.

10 Jul 2023, 08:32
In case you missed, this announcement did go out some days go. 📰 Cryptopolis News Update 📰 Cryptopians! We see and hear you. We notice that some of you are curious about the current state of affairs. It has been some time since the last AMA, and we want to let you know that we are still here, actively building the Cryptopolis dream. Together, we embark on quests, bake pizzas, grind for coins to make the machine spin. What a time it has been! Rest assured, this will come back! 🤩 During the bear market, it's the time to establish the right connections and partnerships, and we are fully engaged in doing so. In the last AMA, we mentioned that it takes time to raise an equity round in the company. Such a process cannot be completed within a week. Behind the scenes, Deejay is actively engaging with various parties. The conversations are going well. In some discussions, we have made progress, while new parties are also showing interest in Cryptopolis and the web3 gaming industry. We want to reiterate that Cryptopolis is a game with tremendous potential. We see it, and our strong community sees it too! We want to express our gratitude to everyone who continues to stand by our side during this adventure. ♥️ See you in the tower!🕹 🎙 AMA Recap🎙 Cryptopians! Most of you have already seen and heard the last two AMAs. But if you haven't done so yet, please take a moment to listen to them. In these sessions, we discuss the current state of Cryptopolis and where we want to go from here! We are excited about the future for Cryptopolis! AMA Form Recap Live AMA Recap